Exposed to a deluge of digital photos, we’re feeling the psychological effects of image overload
Rebecca Macmillan, University of Texas at Austin Twenty-four percent of U.S. teens say they’re online “almost constantly.” Now much of that time, it seems, is spent incessantly compiling and navigating vast collections and streams of images. In a 2014 survey, the...
From epic storm pics to fairies in the garden, be careful with images
Cleverly doctored images of the effects of Sydney’s April storms amused social media users – but hoax images have a much longer history. Todd Lopez/@Creative_Order Phillip George, UNSW A detail from Giorgio Vasari’s 1563 fresco, The Studio of the Painter – which...
Photography and selfies are great for museums (but ditch the sticks)
Hannah Williams, University of Oxford Two of the USA’s major music festivals have decided to ban selfie sticks this year to prevent stick-wielding gig-goers from blocking the view of others. They join London’s National Gallery and other museums such as New York’s...