Graphic designer vs. graphic artist

Graphic designer vs. graphic artist Written by Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed arcu massa, dapibus sit amet elit auctor, pharetra pharetra metus. Aliquam dolor odio, faucibus id volutpat a, ornare id diam. Nulla tempus porttitor mi id...
French business school logos: What are they telling us?

French business school logos: What are they telling us?

Be inspired! Adobe Stock, FAL Franck Celhay, Montpellier Business School – UGEI Over the course of 2018, several major French business schools changed their logos. What were the changes exactly and, more importantly, what do these changes mean? Logos are visual signs...
Curious Kids: who came up with the first letters?

Curious Kids: who came up with the first letters?

Writing wasn’t just invented once by a single person. Many different ancient societies invented writing at different times and places. This article is a peek into the background of how alphabet came about. So, graphic designers studying typography...
Sublime design: the London Underground map

Sublime design: the London Underground map

When is a map not a map? When it’s a diagram. Roger Wollstadt Louise McWhinnie, University of Technology Sydney What makes a design “classic”? That it stands the test of time through continued use, critical recognition and popular approval? Or is it simply that its...