How photography evolved from science to art

How photography evolved from science to art

Some of the earliest applications of photography came in the fields of archaeology and botany. Pictured is a photograph from botanist Anna Atkins’ Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions (1843). Nancy Locke, Pennsylvania State University Much like a...
Sublime design: the London Underground map

Sublime design: the London Underground map

When is a map not a map? When it’s a diagram. Roger Wollstadt Louise McWhinnie, University of Technology Sydney What makes a design “classic”? That it stands the test of time through continued use, critical recognition and popular approval? Or is it simply that its...
The artist’s dilemma: what constitutes selling out?

The artist’s dilemma: what constitutes selling out?

Yoav Litvin, The Rockefeller University Intellectuals, academics and artists play a unique role in society: they preserve and defend both freedom of expression and the morality of choices. Artists can use their work as a means to communicate messages of dissent and...
Sublime design: an ode to the layout grid

Sublime design: an ode to the layout grid

The Tibetan Book of Proportions, produced in Nepal during the 18th century. The Public Domain Review Zoe Sadokierski, University of Technology Sydney Staring at a blank page is daunting. Where to make the first mark? As designers have known for centuries, one way is...